1. Our exact location on Google Maps |
2. Driving directions to the Jungle Villa |
3. Aerial view Jungle Villa + surrounding hotels |
4. Jungle Villa location on Google Maps |
5. Program your Garmin GPS with our GPS coordinates |
6. Save these images to your mobile device to find us easily |
7. How to reach the Jungle Villa by public bus from San Jose? (See below) |
How do I reach the Tracopa terminal in San Jose from SJO International Airport?
1. Take the TUASA bus outside the SJO Airport terminal to the TUASA terminal in San Jose downtown. 2. This bus ride is about 30-40 minutes for $1.50 per person. 3. Take a red taxi from the TUASA terminal to the TRACOPA terminal. 4. This taxi ride is about 10 minutes for $4 5. Buy your Tracopa bus ticket inside the Tracopa terminal. |
If you travel by Tracopa direct bus from San Jose downtown
to the Jungle Villa in Manuel Antonio, please save the
images below to your mobile device. Please read the text in each image carefully. |